German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix Funny German Shepherd Golden Retriever Mix

The German shepherd breed is generally considered one of the most intelligent, dedicated, loyal, and family orientated companions available in the doggy world.

Whether they're short-haired German shepherds or long-haired, these canines make excellent guard dogs and usually get along very well with children. Throwing in a mix to this breed just strengthens and enhances these naturally appealing traits.

So without further ado, let's check 'em out!

18 Great German Shepherd Mixes!

We've collected a list of 18 German shepherd mixed breeds for you – let us know at the end which are your favorites!

1. Golden Shepherd (German Shepherd x Golden Retriever Mix)

The golden shepherd is a golden-haired beauty that will definitely win your heart with those soulful eyes. This golden retriever and German shepherd mix is an affectionate sweetheart who thrives on one-on-one interaction with her owners and especially adores the tiny human variety.

This makes the golden shepherd the perfect family-with-kids choice. Both retriever and shepherd parents love to eat, so make sure you keep this marvelous mix at a healthy weight.

2. The Shug (German Shepherd x Pug Mix)

This miracle mutt is none other than the German shepherd pug. The best of both doggie worlds are all rolled up into this one adorable and energetic bundle of joy. This pug and shepherd breed is an extremely loyal companion, loves his human family, exhibits impressive intelligence, and serves as an alert guard dog.

3. Chow Shepherd or Chow Chow (German Shepherd x Chow Mix)

This cutie's face will always be begging for cuddles. Don't be alarmed when he licks your nose though – the Chow Shepherd sometimes sports the same spotted tongue common to his chow ancestors. It's worth noting that Chow Chow mixed breeds have the potential to be more aloof and independent thinking, as is common for the chow cow. Combining that with the German shepherd dog's more watchful and nervous nature could result in a challenging dog – but it really depends on the individual pup.

4. Labrashepherd (German Shepherd x Labrador Mix)

The Labrashepherd (also known as a Sheprador) is a calm, loving and even-tempered animal with a touch of the shyness from the German shepherd parent shining through when he is presented with new situations. Labrador retrievers have a kind and happy demeanor which definitely shines through in this canine cross. This German shepherd Labrador retriever mix is gloriously beautiful and loves a good play session in the park.

5. Siberian Shepherd or Gerberian Shepsky (German Shepherd x Siberian Husky Mix)

This exquisitely handsome boy is a German shepherd husky mix that will have you falling over your feet when he looks at you with that one baby blue. Love at first sight for sure.

And the bonus? He loves you just as fiercely. He's real hard-worker too – an inherited trait from the husky breed parentage. Make sure these energized pups have plenty of exercise, puzzle toys, and activities to provide mental stimulation.

6. Shollie (German Shepherd x Collie Mix)

A unique combination of the collie and German shepherd gives us this gorgeous designer breed. She is amazingly even-tempered temperament, very eager to learn, and easily trained through basic obedience training. Be prepared to groom the German shepherd collie mix every day though, as those locks are relatively high maintenance.

7. Corman Shepherd (German Shepherd x Corgi Mix)

Corman Shepherds are a bold and energetic bundle of dynamite. A herder by nature and a loyal companion, it's vital that you take the time to train these active dynamos as the German shepherd corgi mix can become a little destructive when they are bored and not sufficiently stimulated. If you're a Corgi fan, make sure you check out our list of Corgi mixed breeds too!

8. Shepweiler or Rottweiler Shepherd (German Shepherd x Rottweiler Mix)

german shepherd mix

Shepweilers are immensely protective of their owners, family, and surroundings and make excellent guard dogs. Well-muscled, protective dogs who can always be found at your side? Sounds good to me! As with both of this canine cross' parent breeds, the Shepweiler learns best with positive reinforcement and patient, consistent training.

9. Shepadoodle (German Shepherd x Poodle Mix)

The mix of poodle and German shepherd give you this devoted, loyal, and hard-working companion. The German shepherd poodle mix needs your constant companionship and will follow wherever you may lead. The poodle breed genes are relatively dominant in this dog, resulting in the somewhat curly fur coat.

10. Wolf Shepherd (German Shepherd x Wolf Mix)

Wow! What a striking and intimidating doggo. This breed is a cross between a domesticated German shepherd and a genuine wolf.

Please keep in mind that these animals are illegal to own in certain areas, so please research carefully to avoid any heartbreak should you not be able to keep him legally. Designer breeders for a cross as unique as this one can be challenging to come by.

With a sensitive temperament and above average hearing, you have a guard dog of indisputable qualities. These dogs are natural hunters, so it will be wise to keep him separate from other small pets like cats, rabbits, and hamsters. This isn't a great breed cross for a first time dog owner.

11. Shepkita (German Shepherd x Akita Mix)

This German shepherd Akita mix is an ideal family dog who has tolerance and patience with even the youngest children. He is super-friendly but an excellent protector. He does, however, require intensive training, as he loves a challenge and can often be considered a little stubborn.

12. Alaskan Shepherd (German Shepherd x Alaskan Malamute Mix)

Look at that fluffy coat! This dog is an interesting mix of German shepherd and the Alaskan malamute. This is one amazingly beautiful animal. They possess the best of both breeds in strength, loyalty, friendliness, and trainability. And such a cutie to boot!

13. Euro Mountain Sheparnese (German Shepherd x Bernese Mountain Dog Mix)

This willful, sometimes stubborn, but ever-friendly babe, is a mix of the Bernese mountain dog and German shepherd.

Almost like having a teenager in the house, these shepherd-type dogs will test your patience and push the boundaries, so training is vital. They do not like isolation but prefer being your constant, loyal companion as the parent breeds are both "Velcro" dogs.

14. German Sheppit (German Shepherd x Pitbull Mix)

A vibrant, loyal, and energetic German shepherd and pit bull mix. Now who can resist that innocent, "Nope, it wasn't me" face? These shepherd pit sweeties are sure to appreciate a game of fetch with their favorite human!

Innocence aside, the German shepherd pit bull mix is a powerful animal with a high energy level and training is thus non-negotiable. German shepherd pit bulls need a firm, strong, but loving owner and handler.

15. New Shep (German Shepherd x Newfoundland Mix)

This breed is an interesting mix of the Newfoundland and German shepherd, forming a giant powder-puff who loves water! He'll make the perfect swimming companion for your children. Devoted, loyal, obedient and easily trainable, you can't ask for much more.

The one drawback is that these canine cuties have a double coat and are bound to shed heavily, but it's a small price to pay for this gentle giant. If you're a Newfie diehard, check out our Newfoundland mixed breed list too!

16. Saint Shepherd (German Shepherd x Saint Bernard Mix)

The biggest requirement before bringing your Saint Shepherd home? Well, space of course! This is a giant dog and needs plenty of room to run off all that excess energy. You'll also want to pick out a reliable vacuum for that gorgeous double coat.

This behemoth is a loyal, loving, and protective, yet intimidating watchdog, probably due to its sheer size. But be honest – what a cutie pie!

17. German Ridgeback (German Shepherd x Rhodesian Ridgeback Mix)

These dogs have a strong sense of loyalty and are hard workers. But beware, do not leave this puppy to his own devices – you might not particularly like the end results! He craves constant attention and will happily be your permanent side-kick. With both parents spanning at least 22 inches tall, you'll have to make room for this dashing dog.

18. German Australian Shepherd (German Shepherd x Australian Shepherd Mix)

An extremely intelligent, alert, loyal addition to your home, with the added advantage of having the heart of a warrior. These canine cuties would benefit from an active family. Fiercely protective of its home and surroundings, you won't have much to worry about.

There you go German shepherd lovers and fans. With such a gorgeous collection of GSD mixes, it's no surprise that German shepherds are one of the most expensive breeds out there!

Please leave a comment on what you think the best German shepherd mixed breed out there is, or share your own cross-breed companion that we might have missed!

FAQ About German Shepherd Mixes

If you're still on the hunt for one of these sweet and spirited German shepherd mixes, check out some of these commonly asked questions and answers.

What are the specific guidelines for adopting a German Shepherd mix?

Good breeders will only sell to a family with a yard and German shepherd experience, as German shepherd mixes need plenty of space for these dogs to run around freely to get exercise. German shepherd mixes (as well as purebred German shepherds) should also be owner primarily by those who have experience with the breed, as German shepherds are naturally prone to anxiety and need an experienced, confident handler.

A reputable breeder should offer a written contract that guarantees the puppy back from the buyer if they can't keep it. The breeder should meet our breeder checklist, have been in business for several years, and their puppies should be well socialized. Make sure to meet the parents, and do not purchase puppies if you can't meet the parents, or if the parents show signs of fear, stress, or aggression.

How much does it cost to adopt a German shepherd mix?

The cost varies from place to place and breeder to breeder, but on average, expect to spend about $400 to $800 for a mixed breed German shepherd pup. If you adopt a German shepherd mix from a shelter, pricing will vary depending on the rescue, usually with a range from $0 to $300.

Are there any health issues associated with German shepherd mixes?

If a German shepherd mix is not from a good breeder, then there may be health problems. German shepherds are prone to a number of different genetic health conditions. The most common health concerns include hip, elbow, and joint dysplasia, cancer, epilepsy, hip dysplasia, narcolepsy, and eye problems.

As with any dog, it's important to keep German shepherd mixes up to date on all veterinary checkups.

Are German shepherd mixes active?

While canine crosses can take on any combination of traits from either of their pooch parents, German shepherds require plenty of daily exercise. GSDs have a high activity level and need to be kept busy mentally and physically.

Not all German shepherd mixes will need vigorous exercise per day, but you should have the capacity to take on an active furry friend just in case.

What is a German Shepherd mix?

A German shepherd mix is a breed resulting from the combination of the German shepherd with other popular dog breeds.

These dogs are medium to large in size, and can vary in appearance based on what breeds they inherit traits from.

German shepherd mixes do not always look entirely like the German shepherd, as they could also take after their other dog breed parents.

How should you train a German shepherd mix?

The best way to approach training a German shepherd mix is to provide lots of training sessions focused on positive reinforcement. These pups can be fairly sensitive and eager to please. Thankfully, most GSD mixes are super smart and can master just about any trick with a little time and practice.


So there you have it! Some of the best German shepherd mixes around. Which one was your favorite? Have you ever met any of these cuties in real life?

Let us know in the comments below!


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